Several months ago I came across a documentary on Netflix about people who build and live in "tiny houses," which are ridiculously small yet fully functioning homes (we're talking under 200 square feet on average). I started watching it and Matt joined me a few minutes later. We were both struck with how doable it seemed, and how much it could potentially lower our cost of living. Thus, we began to dream.
I have heard many definitions of what a tiny house truly is: some say it must be under 400 square feet, some 1200; some insist that it must be mobile, some that it must be off-the-grid, some that pure salvaged material is the only way to go. For us, we have taken bits and pieces from many ideas and begun to forge our own.
Here is our dream: a plot of land on which we can build a small, two story house about 600-700 square feet total. Living area and kitchen on the first floor, study and bedroom above. Large porch. Large windows. Ability to expand as the future dictates. Patio and garden space in the yard. An exterior shed/garage to hold extra storage and a second fridge/deep freeze, etc. Lots of space to breathe, no longer having to share walls with too-close neighbors (as we have done for the past 6 years). Lower utility bills due to living in a smaller space.
If we can get the right financing, we could buy and build for a fraction of a the cost of a traditionally-sized home. Right now our financing dreams have been temporarily shot down, as the loan options we have pursued are very strict and would not let us build on our own. Building on our own - with as much help as possible from my dad, who has built both of my family's homes - is a huge part of our plan and not something we want to sacrifice. It also sounds like we'd have to have a sizable down payment, and that is not feasible for us right now. Right now our down payment is zero. Less than zero. Savings account? What's that?
I know there is a long list of new responsibilities that come with owning a home, but renting is draining after so long. I struggle with doing everything I can to make our home beautiful while facing the limitations of a lease. I enjoy decorating and adding cosmetic touches, but there are so many bigger, more basic tasks that I would love to accomplish. I get sad looking at the peeling exterior paint and crumbling siding, but am encouraged by looking the flower beds we planted, the simple but pretty patio furniture, the flourishing vegetable garden. We care about how our home looks, and we do what we can with what we have, and that makes me happy.
Somehow, if we can find the money to get started, we will accomplish this dream. We will work our way out of debilitating student loan and credit card debt. We will own a home and make it beautiful. I really have no idea right now how that will be accomplished, but somehow, someday, we're dreaming that it will.
(Click here for my tiny house Pinterest board that has more of our favorite ideas)
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