Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Summer Reading Goals, year 3

It's June again, ladies and gentlemen, which means time for Summer Reading Goals - Year 3!
(To see what I read in previous years: click for 2014 and 2013

The first three are the same goals as the previous year, but will (of course) cover different books. The last two are brand-new, so we'll see how it goes!

My goals for June-September 1:

1) Reread an old favorite (or something I've had on my shelves for years but have only read once).

2) The first in a new series (I love reading series. I just read a great one this spring. The anticipation, the endings knowing there will be another beginning, the depth of character and plot...*happy sigh*.)

3) A classic that I've never read before (something in the realm of Austen, Dickens, Steinbeck, etc.).

4) A play by someone other than Shakespeare (I adore Shakespeare, and could read him all day, so this is making me branch out).

5) A "How-To" book...and then I have to actually DO whatever it is I learn. :-)

I'm sure there will be some mass-market paperbacks, summer sci-fi, etc, thrown into that mix, but those are the books I will read with serious intent and the plan to blog about them. If you have any books that fit the categories above, let me know! I always love recommendations.

Happy summer reading!

Most of my personal library (books and DVDs)

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